

शिक्षा मधुबन(विद्यालय) में माली(शिक्षक) नन्हें पौधे(विद्यार्थी) को खाद-पानी(शिक्षा) दे कर एक सुगंधित,मनमोहक और फलदार वृक्ष(काबिल इंसान) बनाता है।

नवाचारी ग्रुप


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GSM TEACHER - स्वच्छ विद्यालय को साकार रूप व तन मन धन समर्पित करने वाले शिक्षक BHARAT KUMAR DORE



  1. "The staff are lovely."
    "Friendly and caring environment that encourages pupils learning and development."
    "I value the combination of nurture and academic focus."
    "Strong leadership, good teaching and a nurturing environment."
    "The nursery has a warm & welcoming family atmosphere."
    "I feel it develops a great sense of community."
    "Gets children interested in learning and ready for the next stage of their lives."
    "As soon as I visited the school I loved it, all the children look happy."
    "Best school office staff we've ever experienced."
    "Am grateful for the hard work and dedication of the staff."
    "The teachers at the school are excellent."
    "The class is organised well and there are imaginative ideas used to help the children share ideas and learning. I feel my child has been recognised for their skills."
    "This is a wonderful school."
    "The children of "GUNJHETA" Village school leave the school as rounded, happy, self-confident young people."
    "I really appreciate the excellent work by the leadership team and the staff in making this an excellent school."
    "All the staff are very helpful and supportive."
    "I think the school has been very nurturing towards all students and they're really happy at the school."
    "Such a fantastic school"
